Dive into Colin Scady’s world as he navigates the ups and downs of life and shares his idiosyncratic view on BMW drivers, Dental Hygienists, and a host of life’s other poor unfortunates.
Join him as he attempts to make sense of the big issues of the day, such as should you wash your hands before as well as after you have a poo, and are there really seven days in a week.
For years Colin Scady has been a regular at his local pub, the Old Dog and Duck, where from the comfort of a well worn bar stool he has delighted and annoyed locals and visitors alike with his stories from a life well lived.
Now, and for the first time, his unique blend of humour and honesty is available beyond the confines of his local pub. In his own inimitable style Scady says what others think and his not particularly politically correct observations will resonate far beyond his own tiny world. Explore Scady’s website, where nothing is sacred and every post invites you to reflect, laugh, and connect.

Colin Scady
Some people might describe Colin Scady as generous, kind and fun to be with. But some people tell lies. Mrs Scady would probably say that he has an obsession with poo. Mrs Scady never lies.
Like most people Colin Scady has had to work to pay the bills and to fund his hobby – alcohol. He's had jobs in both the private and public sectors but more interestingly he has also sold ice cream, delivered fish, erected marquees, managed a pub and been a heroin addict.